Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stool Drawing

On my stool drawing I think I did a good job on it. I think I did a good job on it because it was a hard project that involed looking at the object from a far distance and then have to draw it with the value on it.  What worked about this project was that you didn't have to draw the whole stool, you can draw it at an angle.

Nine Value Squares

I think that I did a good job on this project. I feel like i did an good job on it because I made sure I got most of the value that was in the picture. What worked was that I could pick the pictures I wanted to draw out of a magazine. What didn't work was that sometimes I couldn't get the darker values in the drawing. If I had the chance to do this over, I would get better pictures with more shaded areas. The most difficult thing about this project was trying to find good pictures in the magazines to draw. I learned that drawing these object that every object has lots of details in them.

Happy Halloween!

         First of all, I'd like to say Happy Halloween! I think that I did a really good job on painting this pumpkin. I never had painted a pumpkin before. This project worked by letting me draw whatever I wanted on the pumpkin, instead of being told what to draw on here. What didnt work was that sometimes when I needed a certain area one color it ended up mixing because my paint brush wasn't clean enough. If I were to do this project over again, I would definitly make sure my paint brushes were really clean. Also, the bad part was that when I sketched it on with a pencil it was hard to follow the lines when I painted it. I learned that it was fun but it includes a lot of work if you want your pumpkin to look really nice. I think this project was the most fun so far because it let us use our own imagination for making a pumpkin to have around the city during halloween time.